Perry High School Perry High School Attends G.O.L.D Training

January 10, 2024

Perry High FCCLA S.T.A.R event competitors participated in Goal Oriented Leadership Development (G.O.L.D) Training at Camp John Hope in Ft. Valley, GA. Advisers Kama Beaumarchais and Crystal Quick wanted to develop a strong team bond between this brand-new group of competitors. These students will be working hard together throughout the school year on their competitions as well as traveling together. Having a strong team bond will only help this group grow stronger and closer throughout their STAR event journey with Perry High FCCLA. G.O.L.D training is designed to teach team building and leadership skills to students in an exciting and hands-on environment. The goal is to develop a student chapter into a successful and effective team. Students participated in team building games and leadership development through their low rope’s obstacle course. Watching this group of competitors grow and learn together was such a rewarding experience. We look forward to another successful competition year with Perry High FCCLA.